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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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MANUELA.--The saya y manta; white waist, and white or black skirt,
with flowers.



SCENE 1.--Courtyard and Corridors of the Rancho.

MANUELA (arranging supper-table in corridor L., solus). There!
Tortillas, chocolate, olives, and--the whiskey of the Americans!
And supper's ready. But why Don Jose chooses to-night, of all
nights, with this heretic fog lying over the Mission Hills like a
wet serape, to take his supper out here, the saints only know.
Perhaps it's some distrust of his madcap daughter, the Dona Jovita;
perhaps to watch her--who knows? And now to find Diego. Ah, here
he comes. So! The old story. He is getting Dona Jovita's horse
ready for another madcap journey. Ah! (Retires to table.)

Enter cautiously from corridor, L., SANDY MORTON, carrying lady's
saddle and blanket; starts on observing MANUELA, and hastily hides
saddle and blanket in recess.

Sandy (aside). She's alone. I reckon the old man's at his siesta
yet. Ef he'll only hang onto that snooze ten minutes longer, I'll
manage to let that gal Jovita slip out to that yer fandango, and no
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