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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 31 of 150 (20%)
A little wild, and inclined to gayety, but I hope not seeking for
more than these walls afford. I have checked her but seldom, Don
Alexandro, and then I did not let her see my hand on the rein that
held her back. I do not ask her confidence always: I only want her
to know that when the time comes it can be given to me without fear.

Morton. Umph!

Don Jose (leaning forward confidentially). To show that you have
not intrusted your confidence regarding your wayward son--whom may
the saints return to you!--to unsympathetic or inexperienced ears,
I will impart a secret. A few weeks ago I detected an innocent
intimacy between this foolish girl and a vagabond vaquero in my
employ. You understand, it was on her part romantic, visionary; on
his, calculating, shrewd, self-interested, for he expected to
become my heir. I did not lock her up. I did not tax her with it.
I humored it. Today I satisfied the lover that his investment was
not profitable, that a marriage without my consent entailed the
loss of the property, and then left them together. They parted in
tears, think you, Don Alexandro? No, but mutually hating each
other. The romance was over. An American would have opposed the
girl, have driven her to secrecy, to an elopement perhaps. Eh?

Morton (scornfully). And you believe that they have abandoned
their plans?

Don Jose. I am sure--hush! she is here!

Enter, on roof of corridor, STARBOTTLE and JOVITA.

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