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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 32 of 150 (21%)
Col. Starbottle. Really, a superb landscape! An admirable view of
the--er--fog--rolling over the Mission Hills, the plains below, and
the--er--er--single figure of--er--motionless horseman--

Dona Jovita (quickly). Some belated vaquero. Do you smoke, Senor

Starbottle. At times.

Dona Jovita. With me. I will light a cigarette for you: it is the

COL. STARBOTTLE draws match from his pocket, and is about to light,
but is stopped by DONA JOVITA.

Dona Jovita. Pardon, your Excellency, but we cannot endure your
American matches. There is a taper in the passage.

COL. STARBOTTLE brings taper: DONA JOVITA turns to light cigarette,
but manages to blow out candle.

Dona Jovita. I must try your gallantry again. That is once I have
failed. (Significantly.)

COL. STARBOTTLE relights candle, business, same results.

Dona Jovita. I am stupid and nervous to-night. I have failed
twice. (With emphasis.)

COL. STARBOTTLE repeats business with candle. DONA JOVITA lights
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