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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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forwardness. Perhaps it's well that the keys are in my pocket.
This fond confiding Papist may find the heretic American father of
some service. (Conceals himself behind pillar of corridor.)

After a pause the head of JOHN OAKHURST appears over the wall of
corridor: he climbs up to roof of corridor, and descends very
quietly and deliberately to stage.

Oakhurst (dusting his clothing with his handkerchief). I never
knew before why these Spaniards covered their adobe walls with
whitewash. (Leans against pillar in shadow.)

Re-enter JOVITA, hastily.

Jovita. All is lost; the corral door is locked; the key is
outside, and Concho is gone,--gone where? Madre di Dios! to
discover, perhaps to kill him.

Oakhurst (approaching her). No.

Jovita. Juan! (Embracing him.) But how did you get here? This
is madness!

Oakhurst. As you did not come to the mission, I came to the
rancho. I found the gate locked--by the way, is not that a novelty
here?--I climbed the wall. But you, Miss Castro, you are trembling!
Your little hands are cold!

Jovita (glancing around). Nothing, nothing! But you are running a
terrible risk. At any moment we may be discovered.
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