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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 36 of 150 (24%)

Oakhurst. I understand you: it would be bad for the discoverer.
Never fear, I will be patient.

Jovita. But I feared that you might meet Concho.

Oakhurst. Concho--Concho--(meditatively). Let me see,--tall,
dark, long in the arm, weighs about one hundred and eighty, and

Jovita. Yes; tell me! You have met him?

Oakhurst. Possibly, possibly. Was he a friend of yours?

Jovita. No!

Oakhurst. That's better. Are his pursuits here sedentary, or

Jovita. He is my father's major-domo.

Oakhurst. I see: a sinecure. (Aside.) Well, if he has to lay up
for a week or two, the rancho won't suffer.

Jovita. Well?

Oakhurst. Well!

Jovita (passionately). There, having scaled the wall, at the risk
of being discovered--this is all you have to say! (Turning away.)
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