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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 39 of 150 (26%)
have had much to make me so. But when (with feeling) I first met
you; when, lifting my eyes to the church-porch, I saw your
beautiful face; when, in sheer recklessness and bravado, I raised
my hat to you; when you--you, Jovita--lifted your brave eyes to
mine, and there, there in the sanctuary, returned my salute,--the
salutation of the gambler, the outcast, the reprobate,--then, then
I swore that you should be mine, if I tore you from the sanctuary.
Speak now, Jovita: if it was coquetry, speak now; I forgive you: if
it was sheer wantonness, speak now; I shall spare you: but if--

Jovita (throwing herself in his arms). Love, Juan! I am yours,
now and forever. (Pause.) But you have not told me all. I will
go with you to-night--now. I leave behind me all,--my home, my
father, my--(pause) my name. You have forgotten, Juan, you have
not told me what I change THAT for: you have not told me YOURS.

OLD MORTON, in eager excitement, leans beyond shadow of pillar.

Oakhurst (embracing her tenderly, with a smile). If I have not
told you who I am, it was because, darling, it was more important
that you should know what I am. Now that you know that--why--
(embarrassedly) I have nothing more to tell. I did not wish you to
repeat the name of Oakhurst--because--(aside) how the Devil shall I
tell her that Oakhurst was my real name, after all, and that I only
feared she might divulge it?--(aloud) because--because--
(determinedly) I doubted your ability to keep a secret. My real
name is--(looks up, and sees MORTON leaning beyond pillar) is a
secret. (Pause, in which OAKHURST slowly recovers his coolness.)
It will be given to the good priest who to-night joins our fate
forever, Jovita,--forever, in spite of calumny, opposition, or
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