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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 40 of 150 (26%)
SPIES! the padre whom we shall reach, if enough life remains in
your pulse and mine to clasp these hands together. (After a
pause.) Are you content?

Jovita. I am.

Oakhurst. Then there is not a moment to lose. Retire, and prepare
yourself for a journey. I will wait here.

Jovita. I am ready now.

Oakhurst (looking toward pillar). Pardon, my darling: there was a
bracelet--a mere trifle--I once gave you. It is not on your wrist.
I am a trifle superstitious, perhaps: it was my first gift. Bring
it with you. I will wait. Go!


OAKHURST watches her exit, lounges indifferently toward gate; when
opposite pillar, suddenly seizes MORTON by the throat, and drags
him noiselessly to centre.

Oakhurst (hurriedly). One outcry,--a single word,--and it is your
last. I care not who YOU may be!--who I am,--you have heard enough
to know, at least, that you are in the grip of a desperate man.
(Keys fall from MORTON'S hand. OAKHURST seizes them.) Silence! on
your life.

Morton (struggling). You would not dare! I command you--

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