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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 41 of 150 (27%)
Oakhurst (dragging him to gateway). Out you must go.

Morton. Stop, I command you. I never turned MY father out of

Oakhurst (gazing at MORTON). It is an OLD man! I release you. Do
as you will, only remember that that girl is mine forever, that
there is no power on earth will keep me from her.

Morton. On conditions.

Oakhurst. Who are you that make conditions? You are not--her

Morton. No but I am YOURS! Alexander Morton, I charge you to hear

Oakhurst (starting in astonishment; aside). Sandy Morton, my lost
partner's father! This is fate.

Morton. You are astonished; but I thought so. Ay, you will hear
me now! I am your father, Alexander Morton, who drove you, a
helpless boy, into disgrace and misery. I know your shameless
life: for twenty years it was mine, and worse, until, by the grace
of God, I reformed, as you shall. I have stopped you in a
disgraceful act. Your mother--God forgive me!--left HER house, for
MY arms, as wickedly, as wantonly, as shamelessly--

Oakhurst. Stop, old man! Stop! Another word (seizing him), and I
may forget your years.
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