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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 47 of 150 (31%)

MY DEAR COUSIN--I address the only surviving child of my cousin
Mary and her husband John Morris, both deceased. It is my duty as
a Christian relative to provide you with a home--to share with you
that wealth and those blessings that a kind providence has
vouchsafed me. I am aware that my conduct to your father and
mother, while in my sinful and unregenerate state, is no warrantee
for my present promise; but my legal adviser, Col. Starbottle, who
is empowered to treat with you, will assure you of the sincerity of
my intention, and my legal ability to perform it. He will conduct
you to my house; you will share its roof with me and my prodigal
son Alexander, now by the grace of God restored, and mindful of the
error of his ways. I enclose a draft for one thousand dollars: if
you require more, draw upon me for the same.

Your cousin,


My mother's cousin--so! Cousin Alexander! a rich man, and reunited
to the son he drove into shameful exile. Well! we will see this
confidential lawyer; and until then--until then--why, we are the
schoolmistress of Red Gulch, and responsible for its youthful
prodigals. (Going to schoolhouse door.)

Miss Mary (stopping to examine flowers). Poor, poor Sandy!
Another offering, and, as he fondly believes, unknown and
anonymous! As if he were not visible in every petal and leaf!
The mariposa blossom of the plain. The snowflower I longed for,
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