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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 48 of 150 (32%)
from those cool snowdrifts beyond the ridge. And I really believe
he was sober when he arranged them. Poor fellow! I begin to think
that the dissipated portion of this community are the most
interesting. Ah! some one behind the rock,--Sandy, I'll wager.
No! a stranger!

Col. Starbottle (aside, and advancing). If I could make her think
I left those flowers! (Aloud.) When I state that--er--I am

Miss Mary (interrupting him coldly). You explain, sir, your
appearance on a spot which the rude courtesy of even this rude
miner's camp has preserved from intrusion.

Starbottle (slightly abashed, but recovering himself). Yes--Ged!--
that is, I--er--saw you admiring--er--tribute--er--humble tribute
of flowers. I am myself passionately devoted to flowers. Ged!
I've spent hours--in--er--bending over the--er--graceful sunflower,
in--er--plucking the timid violet from the overhanging but
reluctant bough, in collecting the--er--er--fauna--I mean the--er--
flora--of this--er--district.

Miss Mary (who has been regarding him intently). Permit me to
leave you in uninterrupted admiration of them. (Handing him
flowers.) You will have ample time in your journey down the gulch
to indulge your curiosity!

Hands STARBOTTLE flowers, enters schoolhouse, and quietly closes
door on STARBOTTLE as SANDY MORTON enters cautiously and sheepishly
from left. SANDY stops in astonishment on observing STARBOTTLE,
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