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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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and remains by wing left.

Starbottle (smelling flowers, and not noticing MISS MARY'S absence).
Beautiful--er--exquisite. (Looking up at closed door.) Ged! Most
extraordinary disappearance! (Looks around, and discovers SANDY;
examines him for a moment through his eyeglass, and then, after a
pause, inflates his chest, turns his back on SANDY, and advances to
schoolhouse door. SANDY comes quickly, and, as STARBOTTLE raises
his cane to rap on door, seizes his arm. Both men, regarding each
other fixedly, holding each other, retreat slowly and cautiously to
centre. Then STARBOTTLE disengages his arm.)

Sandy (embarrassedly but determinedly). Look yer, stranger. By
the rules of this camp, this place is sacred to the schoolma'am and
her children.

Starbottle (with lofty severity). It is! Then--er--permit me to
ask, sir, what YOU are doing here.

Sandy (embarrassed, and dropping his head in confusion). I was--
passing. There is no school to-day.

Starbottle. Then, sir, Ged! permit me to--er--DEMAND--DEMAND, sir--
an apology. You have laid, sir, your hand upon my person--demn
me! Not the first time, sir, either; for, if I am not mistaken,
you are the--er--inebriated menial, sir, who two months ago jostled
me, sir,--demn me,--as I entered the rancho of my friend Don Jose

Sandy (starting, aside). Don Jose! (Aloud.) Hush, hush! She
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