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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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Starbottle (fiercely). Shall not?

Struggle. STARBOTTLE draws derringer from his breast-pocket, and
SANDY seizes his arm. In this position both parties struggle to
ledge of rocks, and COL. STARBOTTLE is forced partly over.

Miss Mary (opening schoolhouse door). I thought I heard voices.
(Looking toward ledge of rocks, where COL. STARBOTTLE and SANDY are
partly hidden by trees. Both men relax grasp of each other at MISS
MARY'S voice.)

Col. Starbottle (aloud and with voice slightly raised, to SANDY).
By--er--leaning over this way a moment, a single moment, you will--
er--perceive the trail I speak of. It follows the canyon to the
right. It will bring you to--er--the settlement in an hour. (To
MISS MARY, as if observing her for the first time.) I believe I
am--er--right; but, being--er--more familiar with the locality, you
can direct the gentleman better.

SANDY slowly sinks on his knees beside rock, with his face averted
from schoolhouse, as COL. STARBOTTLE disengages himself, and
advances jauntily and gallantly to schoolhouse.

Col. Starbottle. In--er--er--showing the stranger the--er--way, I
perhaps interrupted our interview. The--er--observances of--er--
civility and humanity must not be foregone, even for--er--the
ladies. I--er--believe I address Miss Mary Morris. When I--er--
state that my name is Col. Starbottle, charged on mission of--er--
delicate nature, I believe I--er--explain MY intrusion.
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