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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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MISS MARY bows, and motions to schoolhouse door; COL. STARBOTTLE,
bowing deeply, enters; but MISS MARY remains standing by door,
looking toward trees that hide SANDY.

Miss Mary (aside). I am sure it was Sandy's voice! But why does
he conceal himself?

Sandy (aside, rising slowly to his feet, with his back to
schoolhouse door). Even this conceited bully overcomes me, and
shames me with his readiness and tact. He was quick to spare her--
a stranger--the spectacle of two angry men. I--I--must needs
wrangle before her very door! Well, well! better out of her sight
forever, than an object of pity or terror. [Exit slowly, and with
downcast eyes, right.

Miss Mary (watching the trail). It WAS Sandy! and this concealment
means something more than bashfulness. Perhaps the stranger can

[Enters schoolhouse, and closes door.

SCENE 2.--The same. Enter CONCHO, lame, cautiously, from R.
Pauses at R., and then beckons to HOP SING, who follows R.

Concho (impatiently). Well! you saw him?

Hop Sing. Me see him.

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