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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 54 of 150 (36%)
Concho (hurriedly returning to HOP SING). Yes! good John; yes,
good John--go on. Alexander Morton--

Hop Sing. Alexandlee Molton. Me washee shirt, Alexandlee Molton;
he no pay washee. Me washee flowty dozen hep--four bittie dozen--
twenty dollar hep. Alexandlee Molton no payee. He say, "Go to
hellee!" You pay me (extending his hand).

Concho. Car--! (checking himself). Poco tiempo, John! In good
time, John. Forty dollar--yes. Fifty dollar! Tomorrow, John.

Hop Sing. Me no likee "to-mollow!" Me no likee "nex time, John!"
Allee time Melican man say, "Chalkee up, John," "No smallee change,
John,"--umph. Plenty foolee me!

Concho. You shall have your money, John; but go now--you
comprehend. Carramba! go! (Pushes HOP SING to wing.)

Hop Sing (expostulating). Flowty dozen, hep, John! twenty dollar,
John. Sabe. Flowty--twenty--(gesticulating with fingers).

[Exit HOP SING, pushed off by CONCHO.

Concho. The pagan dolt! But he is important. Ah, if he were
wiser, I should not rid myself of him so quickly! And now for the
schoolmistress,--the sweetheart of Sandy. If these men have not
lied, he is in love with her; and, if he is, he has told her his
secret before now; and she will be swift to urge him to his rights.
If he has not told her--umph! (laughing) it will not be a DAY--an
HOUR--before she will find out if her lover is Alexander Morton,
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