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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 55 of 150 (36%)
the rich man's son, or "Sandy," the unknown vagabond. Eh, friend
Sandy! It was a woman that locked up your secret: it shall be a
woman, Madre di Dios! who shall unlock it. Ha! (Goes to door of
schoolhouse as door opens, and appears COL. STARBOTTLE.)

Concho (aside). A thousand devils! the lawyer of the old man
Morton. (Aloud.) Pardon, pardon! I am a stranger. I have lost
my way on the mountain. I am seeking a trail. Senor, pardon!

Starbottle (aside). Another man seeking the road! Ged, I believe
he's lying too. (Aloud.) It is before you, sir, DOWN,--down the

Concho. A thousand thanks, senor. (Aside.) Perdition catch him!
(Aloud.) Thanks, senor. [Exit R.

Starbottle. Ged, I've seen that face before. Ged, it's Castro's
major-domo. Demn me, but I believe all his domestics have fallen
in love with the pretty schoolma'am.

Enter MISS MARY from schoolhouse.

Miss Mary (slowly refolding letter). You are aware, then, of the
contents of this note; and you are the friend of Alexander Morton,

Col. Starbottle. Permit me a moment, a single moment, to--er--er--
explain. I am Mr. Morton's legal adviser. There is--er--sense of--
er--responsibility,--er--personal responsibility, about the term
"friend," that at the--er--er--present moment I am not--er--
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