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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 57 of 150 (38%)
friends, a position of integrity in his father's business, of filial
obedience in his father's household; is, in short, a paragon; and,
demn me, I doubt if he's his father's son.

Miss Mary. Enough, sir! You are waiting for my answer. There is
no reason why it should not be as precise, as brief, and as formal
as your message. Go to my cousin; say that you saw the person
he claims as his relation; say that you found her, a poor
schoolmistress, in a rude mining camp, dependent for her bread on
the scant earnings of already impoverished men, dependent for her
honor on the rude chivalry of outcasts and vagabonds; and say that
then and there she repudiated your kinship, and respectfully
declined your invitation.

Starbottle (aside). Ged! Star! this is the--er--female of your
species! This is the woman--the--er--one woman--for whom you are
responsible, sir!--personally responsible!

Miss Mary (coldly). You have my answer, sir.

Col. Starbottle. Permit me--er--single moment,--a single moment!
Between the er--present moment, and that of my departure--there is
an--er--interval of twelve hours. May I, at the close of that
interval--again present myself--without prejudice, for your final

Miss Mary (indifferently). As you will, sir. I shall be here.

Col. Starbottle. Permit me. (Takes her hand gallantly.) Your
conduct and manner, Miss Morris, remind me--er--singularly--of--er
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