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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 58 of 150 (38%)
beautiful creature--one of the--er--first families. (Observing MISS
MARY regarding him amusedly, becomes embarrassed.) That is--er--I
mean--er--er--good morning, Miss Morris! (Passes by schoolhouse
door, retreating and bowing, and picks up flowers from door-step.)
Good morning!

Miss Mary. Excuse me, Col. Starbottle (with winning politeness),
but I fear I must rob you of those flowers. I recognize them now
as the offering of one of my pupils. I fear I must revoke my gift
(taking flowers from astonished colonel's hand), all except a
single one for your buttonhole. Have you any choice, or shall I
(archly) choose for you? Then it shall be this. (Begins to place
flowers in buttonhole, COL. STARBOTTLE exhibiting extravagant
gratitude in dumb show. Business prolonged through MISS MARY's
speech.) If I am not wrong, colonel, the gentleman to whom you so
kindly pointed out the road this morning was not a stranger to you.
Ah! I am right. There, one moment,--a sprig of green, a single
leaf, would set off the pink nicely. Here he is known only as
"Sandy": you know the absurd habits of this camp. Of course he has
another name. There! (releasing the colonel) it is much prettier

Col. Starbottle. Ged, madam! The rarest exotic--the Victoria
Regina--is not as--er--graceful--er--tribute!

Miss Mary. And yet you refuse to satisfy my curiosity?

Col. Starbottle (with great embarrassment, which at last resolves
itself into increased dignity of manner). What you ask is--er--er--
impossible! You are right: the--er--gentleman you allude to is
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