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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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Sandy (aside). I wonder if he saw us. I hope he did: it would
shut that Manuela's mouth for a month of Sundays. (Laughs.) God
forgive me for it! I've done a heap of things for that young gal
Dona Jovita; but this yer gittin' soft on the Greaser maid-servant
to help out the misses is a little more than Sandy Morton bargained

Don Jose (to MANUELA). You can retire. Diego will attend me.
(Looks at DIEGO attentively.) [Exit MANUELA.

Sandy (aside). Diego will attend him! Why, blast his yeller skin,
does he allow that Sandy Morton hired out as a purty waiter-gal?
Because I calkilated to feed his horses, it ain't no reason thet my
dooty to animals don't stop thar. Pass his hash! (Turns to follow
MANUELA, but stops.) Hello, Sandy! wot are ye doin', eh? You
ain't going back on Miss Jovita, and jest spile that gal's chances
to git out to-night, on'y to teach that God-forsaken old gov'ment
mule manners? No! I'll humor the old man, and keep one eye out
for the gal. (Comes to table, and leans familiarly over the back
of DON JOSE'S chair.)

Don Jose (aside). He seems insulted and annoyed. His manner
strengthens my worst suspicions. He has not expected this.
(Aloud.) Chocolate, Diego.

Sandy (leaning over table carelessly). Yes, I reckon it's somewhar

Don Jose (aside). He is unused to menial labor. If I should be
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