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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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right in my suspicions! if he really were Dona Jovita's secret
lover! This gallantry with the servants only a deceit! Bueno! I
will watch him. (Aloud.) Chocolate, Diego!

Sandy (aside). I wonder if the old fool reckons I'll pour it out.
Well, seein's he's the oldest. (Pours chocolate awkwardly, and
spills it on the table and DON JOSE.)

Don Jose (aside). He IS embarrassed. I am right. (Aloud.) Diego!

Sandy (leaning confidentially over DON JOSE'S chair). Well, old

Don Jose. Three months ago my daughter the Dona Jovita picked you
up, a wandering vagabond, in the streets of the Mission. (Aside.)
He does not seem ashamed. (Aloud.) She--she--ahem! The
aguardiente, Diego.

Sandy (aside). That means the whiskey. It's wonderful how quick a
man learns Spanish. (Passes the bottle, fills DON JOSE'S glass,
and then his own. DON JOSE recoils in astonishment.) I looks
toward ye, ole man. (Tosses off liquor.)

Don Jose (aside). This familiarity! He IS a gentleman. Bueno!
(Aloud.) She was thrown from her horse; her skirt caught in the
stirrup; she was dragged; you saved her life. You--

Sandy (interrupting, confidentially drawing a chair to the table,
and seating himself). Look yer! I'll tell you all about it. It
wasn't that gal's fault, ole man. The hoss shied at me, lying
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