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Reginald by Saki
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I did it--I who should have known better. I persuaded
Reginald to go to the McKillops' garden-party against his

We all make mistakes occasionally.

"They know you're here, and they'll think it so funny if you
don't go. And I want particularly to be in with Mrs.
McKillop just now."

"I know, you want one of her smoke Persian kittens as a
prospective wife for Wumples--or a husband, is it?"
(Reginald has a magnificent scorn for details, other than
sartorial.) "And I am expected to undergo social martyrdom
to suit the connubial exigencies" -

"Reginald! It's nothing of the kind, only I'm sure Mrs.
McKillop Would be pleased if I brought you. Young men of
your brilliant attractions are rather at a premium at her

"Should be at a premium in heaven," remarked Reginald

"There will be very few of you there, if that is what you
mean. But seriously, there won't be any great strain upon
your powers of endurance; I promise you that you shan't have
to play croquet, or talk to the Archdeacon's wife, or do
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