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Reginald by Saki
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anything that is likely to bring on physical prostration.
You can just wear your sweetest clothes and moderately
amiable expression, and eat chocolate-creams with the
appetite of a blase parrot. Nothing more is demanded of

Reginald shut his eyes. "There will be the exhaustingly up-
to-date young women who will ask me if I have seen San Toy:
a less progressive grade who will yearn to hear about the
Diamond Jubilee--the historic event, not the horse. With a
little encouragement, they will inquire if I saw the Allies
march into Paris. Why are women so fond of raking up the
past? They're as bad as tailors, who invariably remember
what you owe them for a suit long after you've ceased to wear

"I'll order lunch for one o'clock; that will give you two and
a half hours to dress in."

Reginald puckered his brow into a tortured frown, and I knew
that my point was gained. He was debating what tie would go
with which waistcoat.

Even then I had my misgivings.

* * *

During the drive to the McKillops' Reginald was possessed
with a great peace, which was not wholly to be accounted for
by the fact that he had inveigled his feet into shoes a size
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