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The Chinese Classics — Prolegomena by Unknown
page 1 of 207 (00%)
A note from the digitizer

This is a text file that can be read on any computer with any
Chinese-capable word processor or text editor. If you have the Big
5 character set for Chinese installed, choosing that set from your
font menu will display the Chinese characters properly. Even if
Chinese is not installed on your computer, the English will be
displayed properly, even though the Chinese will appear as
garbage characters.

This digitized version preserves the original page breaks. The
text of each page is followed by its footnotes. Note reference
numbers in the text are enclosed in square brackets. In this text
version, all diacriticals have been omitted.

In a few places I have substituted the character forms available
in the Big 5 character set for rare or (what are now considered)
nonstandard forms used by Legge. Characters not included in the
Big 5 character set in any form are described by their constituent

This file contains only the Prolegomena; the other parts of
Legge's work are in separate files.

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