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Samuel Butler: a sketch by Henry Festing Jones
page 24 of 44 (54%)
is given in 'The Note-Books of Samuel Butler' (1912).

In September, 1877, when 'Life and Habit' was on the eve of
publication, Mr. Francis Darwin came to lunch with him in Clifford's
Inn and, in course of conversation, told him that Professor Ray
Lankester had written something in 'Nature' about a lecture by Dr.
Ewald Hering of Prague, delivered so long ago as 1870, "On Memory as
a Universal Function of Organized Matter." This rather alarmed
Butler, but he deferred looking up the reference until after
December, 1877, when his book was out, and then, to his relief, he
found that Hering's theory was very similar to his own, so that,
instead of having something sprung upon him which would have caused
him to want to alter his book, he was supported. He at once wrote to
the 'Athenaeum', calling attention to Hering's lecture, and then
pursued his studies in evolution.

'Life and Habit' was followed in 1879 by 'Evolution Old and New',
wherein he compared the teleological or purposive view of evolution
taken by Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck with the view taken
by Charles Darwin, and came to the conclusion that the old was
better. But while agreeing with the earlier writers in thinking that
the variations whose accumulation results in species were originally
due to intelligence, he could not take the view that the intelligence
resided in an external personal God. He had done with all that when
he gave up the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. He
proposed to place the intelligence inside the creature ("The Deadlock
in Darwinism," post).

In 1880 he continued the subject by publishing 'Unconscious Memory'.
Chapter IV of this book is concerned with a personal quarrel between
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