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Samuel Butler: a sketch by Henry Festing Jones
page 25 of 44 (56%)
himself and Charles Darwin which arose out of the publication by
Charles Darwin of Dr. Krause's 'Life of Erasmus Darwin'. We need not
enter into particulars here, the matter is fully dealt with in a
pamphlet, 'Charles Darwin and Samuel Butler: A Step towards
Reconciliation', which I wrote in 1911, the result of a
correspondence between Mr. Francis Darwin and myself. Before this
correspondence took place Mr. Francis Darwin had made several public
allusions to 'Life and Habit'; and in September, 1908, in his
inaugural address to the British Association at Dublin, he did Butler
the posthumous honour of quoting from his translation of Hering's
lecture "On Memory," which is in 'Unconscious Memory', and of
mentioning Butler as having enunciated the theory contained in 'Life
and Habit'.

In 1886 Butler published his last book on evolution, 'Luck or Cunning
as the Main Means of Organic Modification'? His other contributions
to the subject are some essays, written for the 'Examiner' in 1879,
"God the Known and God the Unknown," which were republished by Mr.
Fifield in 1909, and the articles "The Deadlock in Darwinism" which
appeared in the 'Universal Review' in 1890 and some further notes on
evolution will be found in 'The Note-Books of Samuel Butler' (1912).

It was while he was writing 'Life and Habit' that I first met him.
For several years he had been in the habit of spending six or eight
weeks of the summer in Italy and the Canton Ticino, generally making
Faido his headquarters. Many a page of his books was written while
resting by the fountain of some subalpine village or waiting in the
shade of the chestnuts till the light came so that he could continue
a sketch. Every year he returned home by a different route, and thus
gradually became acquainted with every part of the Canton and North
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