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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
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old, whose only known record is that of a madman, has no friends.

I was at a loss to know what to do for a living, but
turned toward the harbor where fishing boats in great numbers
anchored, and within a week I had shipped with a fisherman by the
name of Yan Hansen, who was starting on a long fishing cruise to
the Lofoden Islands.

Here my earlier years of training proved of the very greatest
advantage, especially in enabling me to make myself useful. This
was but the beginning of other trips, and by frugal economy I
was, in a few years, able to own a fishing-brig of my own. For
twenty-seven years thereafter I followed the sea as a fisherman,
five years working for others, and the last twenty-two for

During all these years I was a most diligent student of books, as
well as a hard worker at my business, but I took great care not
to mention to anyone the story concerning the discoveries made by
my father and myself. Even at this late day I would be fearful of
having any one see or know the things I am writing, and the
and maps I have in my keeping. When my days on earth are
I shall leave maps and records that will enlighten and, I hope,
benefit mankind.

The memory of my long confinement with maniacs, and all the
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