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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
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horrible anguish and sufferings are too vivid to warrant my
taking further chances.

In 1889 I sold out my fishing boats, and found I had accumulated
a fortune quite sufficient to keep me the remainder of my life. I
then came to America.

For a dozen years my home was in Illinois, near Batavia, where I
gathered most of the books in my present library, though I
brought many choice volumes from Stockholm. Later, I came to Los
Angeles, arriving here March 4, 1901. The date I well remember,
as it was President McKinley's second inauguration day. I bought
this humble home and determined, here in the privacy of my own
abode, sheltered by my own vine and fig-tree, and with my books
about me, to make maps and drawings of the new lands we had
discovered, and also to write the story in detail from the time
my father and I left Stockholm until the tragic event that parted
us in the Antarctic Ocean.

I well remember that we left Stockholm in our fishing-sloop on
the third day of April, 1829, and sailed to the southward,
leaving Gothland Island to the left and Oeland Island to the
right. A few days later we succeeded in doubling Sandhommar
Point, and made our way through the sound which separates Denmark
from the Scandinavian coast. In due time we put in at the town of
Christiansand, where we rested two days, and then started around
the Scandinavian coast to the westward, bound for the Lofoden

My father was in high spirit, because of the excellent and
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