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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 39 of 73 (53%)
was well-nigh exhausted. We lost no time in replenishing our
casks, and continued to sail farther up the river when the wind
was favorable.

Along the banks great forests miles in extent could be seen
stretching away on the shore-line. The trees were of enormous
size. We landed after anchoring near a sandy beach, and waded
ashore, and were rewarded by finding a quantity of nuts that
were very palatable and satisfying to hunger, and a welcome
change from the monotony of our stock of provisions.

It was about the first of September, over five months, we
calculated, since our leave-taking from Stockholm. Suddenly we
were frightened almost out of our wits by hearing in the far
distance the singing of people. Very soon thereafter we
discovered a huge ship gliding down the river directly toward us.
Those aboard were singing in one mighty chorus that, echoing from
bank to bank, sounded like a thousand voices, filling the whole
universe with quivering melody. The accompaniment was played on
stringed instruments not unlike our harps.

It was a larger ship than any we had ever seen, and was differently

[15 Asiatic Mythology,-- page 240, "Paradise
found" -- from translation by Sayce, in a book called "Records
of the Past," we were told of a "dwelling" which "the gods
created for" the first human beings,-- a dwelling in which they
"became great" and "increased in numbers," and the location of
which is described in words exactly corresponding to those of
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