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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
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Iranian, Indian, Chinese, Eddaic and Aztecan literature; namely,
"in the center of the earth." -- Warren.]

At this particular time our sloop was becalmed, and not far from
the shore. The bank of the river, covered with mammoth trees,
rose up several hundred feet in beautiful fashion. We seemed to
be on the edge of some primeval forest that doubtless stretched
far inland.

The immense craft paused, and almost immediately a boat was
lowered and six men of gigantic stature rowed to our little
fishing-sloop. They spoke to us in a strange language. We knew
from their manner, however, that they were not unfriendly. They
talked a great deal among themselves, and one of them laughed
immoderately, as though in finding us a queer discovery had been
made. One of them spied our compass, and it seemed to interest
them more than any other part of our sloop.

Finally, the leader motioned as if to ask whether we were willing
to leave our craft to go on board their ship. "What say you, my
son?" asked my father. "They cannot do any more than kill us."

"They seem to be kindly disposed," I replied, "although what
terrible giants! They must be the select six of the kingdom's
crack regiment. Just look at their great size."

"We may as well go willingly as be taken by force," said my
father, smiling, "for they are certainly able to capture us."
Thereupon he made known, by signs, that we were ready to
accompany them.
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