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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 41 of 73 (56%)

Within a few minutes we were on board the ship, and half an hour
later our little fishing-craft had been lifted bodily out of the
water by a strange sort of hook and tackle, and set on board as a

There were several hundred people on board this, to us, mammoth
ship, which we discovered was called "The Naz," meaning, as we
afterward learned, "Pleasure," or to give a more proper
interpretation, "Pleasure Excursion" ship.

If my father and I were curiously observed by the ship's
occupants, this strange race of giants offered us an equal amount
of wonderment.

There was not a single man aboard who would not have measured
fully twelve feet in height. They all wore full beards, not
particularly long, but seemingly short-cropped. They had mild and
beautiful faces, exceedingly fair, with ruddy complexions. The
hair and beard of some were black, others sandy, and still others
yellow. The captain, as we designated the dignitary in command of
the great vessel, was fully a head taller than any of his
companions. The women averaged from ten to eleven feet in height.
Their features were especially regular and refined, while their
complexion was of a most delicate tint heightened by a healthful

[16 "According to all procurable data, that spot at the era
of man's appearance upon the stage was in the now lost 'Miocene
continent,' which then surrounded the Arctic Pole. That in that
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