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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 44 of 73 (60%)
sufficiently skilled in mechanics to understand whence came the
power to operate the ship, or to maintain the soft beautiful
lights that answered the same purpose of our present methods of
lighting the streets of our cities, our houses and places of

It must be remembered, the time of which I write was the autumn
of 1829, and we of the "outside" surface of the earth knew
nothing then, so to speak, of electricity.

The electrically surcharged condition of the air was a constant
vitalizer. I never felt better in my life than during the two
years my father and I sojourned on the inside of the earth.

To resume my narrative of events; The ship on which we were
sailing came to a stop two days after we had been taken on board.
My father said as nearly as he could judge, we were directly
under Stockholm or London. The city we had reached was called
"Jehu," signifying a seaport town. The houses were large and
beautifully constructed, and quite uniform in appearance, yet
without sameness. The principal occupation of the people appeared
to be agriculture; the hillsides were covered with vineyards,
while the valleys were devoted to the growing of grain.

I never saw such a display of gold. It was everywhere. The
door-casings were inlaid and the tables were veneered with
sheetings of gold. Domes of the public buildings were of gold. It
was used most generously in the finishings of the great temples
of music.

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