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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 45 of 73 (61%)
Vegetation grew in lavish exuberance, and fruit of all kinds
possessed the most delicate flavor. Clusters of grapes four and
five feet in length, each grape as large as an orange, and
apples larger than a man's head typified the wonderful growth of
all things on the "inside" of the earth.

The great redwood trees of California would be considered mere
underbrush compared with the giant forest trees extending for
miles and miles in all directions. In many directions along the
foothills of the mountains vast herds of cattle were seen during
the last day of our travel on the river.

"We heard much of a city called "Eden," but were kept at "Jehu"
for an entire year. By the end of that time we had learned to
speak fairly well the language of this strange race of people.
Our instructors, Jules Galdea and his wife, exhibited a patience
that was truly commendable.

One day an envoy from the Ruler at "Eden" came to see us, and for
two whole days my father and myself were put through a series of
surprising questions. They wished to know from whence we came,
what sort of people dwelt "without," what God we worshiped, our
religious beliefs, the mode of living in our strange land, and a
thousand other things.

The compass which we had brought with us attracted especial
attention. My father and I commented between ourselves on the
fact that the compass still pointed north, although we now knew
that we had sailed over the curve or edge of the earth's
aperture, and were far along southward on the "inside" surface of
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