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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 51 of 73 (69%)
over the maps which had been made from the rough sketches he had
originally given of the divisions of land and water on the
"outside" surface of the earth.

I remember hearing my father remark that the giant race of people
in the land of "The Smoky God" had almost as accurate an idea of
the geography of the "outside" surface of the earth as had the
average college professor in Stockholm.

In our travels we came to a forest of gigantic trees, near the
city of Delfi. Had the Bible said there were trees towering over
three hundred feet in height, and more than thirty feet in
diameter, growing in the Garden of Eden, the Ingersolls, the Tom
Paines and Voltaires would doubtless have pronounced the
statement a myth. Yet this is the description of the California
sequoia gigantea; but these California giants pale into
insignificance when compared with the forest Goliaths found in
the "within" continent, where abound mighty trees from eight
hundred to one thousand feet in height, and from one hundred
to one hundred and twenty feet in diameter; countless in numbers
and forming forests extending hundreds of miles back from the

The people are exceedingly musical, and learned to a remarkable
degree in their arts and sciences, especially geometry and
astronomy. Their cities are equipped with vast palaces of music,
where not infrequently as many as twenty-five thousand lusty
voices of this giant race swell forth in mighty choruses of the
most sublime symphonies.

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