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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 52 of 73 (71%)
The children are not supposed to attend institutions of learning
before they are twenty years old. Then their school life begins
and continues for thirty years, ten of which are uniformly
devoted by both sexes to the study of music.

Their principal vocations are architecture, agriculture,
horticulture, the raising of vast herds of cattle, and the
building of conveyances peculiar to that country, for travel on
land and water. By some device which I cannot explain, they hold
communion with one another between the most distant parts of
their country, on air currents.

All buildings are erected with special regard to strength,
durability, beauty and symmetry, and with a style of architecture
vastly more attractive to the eye than any I have ever observed

About three-fourths of the "inner" surface of the earth is land
and about one-fourth water. There are numerous rivers of
tremendous size, some flowing in a northerly direction and others
southerly. Some of these rivers are thirty miles in width, and
it is out of these vast waterways, at the extreme northern and
southern parts of the "inside" surface of the earth, in regions
where low temperatures are experienced, that fresh-water icebergs
are formed. They are then pushed out to sea like huge tongues of
ice, by the abnormal freshets of turbulent waters that, twice
every year, sweep everything before them.

We saw innumerable specimens of bird-life no larger than those
encountered in the forests of Europe or America. It is well known
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