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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 55 of 73 (75%)
it invariably rains once every twenty-four hours. This great
moisture and the invigorating electrical light and warmth account
perhaps for the luxuriant vegetation, while the highly charged
electrical air and the evenness of climatic conditions may have
much to do with the giant growth and longevity of all animal

In places the level valleys stretched away for many miles in
every direction. "The Smoky God," in its clear white light,
looked calmly down. There was an intoxication in the electrically
surcharged air that fanned the cheek as softly as a vanishing
whisper. Nature chanted a lullaby in the faint murmur of winds
whose breath was sweet with the fragrance of bud and blossom.

After having spent considerably more than a year in visiting
several of the many cities of the "within" world and a great deal
of intervening country, and more than two years had passed from
the time we had been picked up by the great excursion ship on the
river, we decided to cast our fortunes once more upon the sea,
and endeavor to regain the "outside" surface of the earth.

We made known our wishes, and they were reluctantly but promptly
followed. Our hosts gave my father, at his request, various maps
showing the entire "inside" surface of the earth, its cities,
oceans, seas, rivers, gulfs and bays. They also generously
offered to give us all the bags of gold nuggets -- some of them
as large as a goose's egg -- that we were willing to attempt to
take with us in our little fishing-boat.

In due time we returned to Jehu, at which place we spent one
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