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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
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month in fixing up and overhauling our little fishing sloop.
After all was in readiness, the same ship "Naz" that originally
discovered us, took us on board and sailed to the mouth of the
river Hiddekel.

After our giant brothers had launched our little craft for us,
they were most cordially regretful at parting, and evinced much
solicitude for our safety. My father swore by the Gods Odin and
Thor that he would surely return again within a year or two and
pay them another visit. And thus we bade them adieu. We made
ready and hoisted our sail, but there was little breeze. We were
becalmed within an hour after our giant friends had left us and
started on their return trip.

The winds were constantly blowing south, that is, they were
blowing from the northern opening of the earth toward that which
we knew to be south, but which, according to our compass's
pointing finger, was directly north.

For three days we tried to sail, and to beat against the wind,
but to no avail. Whereupon my father said: "My son, to return by
the same route as we came in is impossible at this time of year.
I wonder why we did not think of this before. We have been here
almost two and a half years; therefore, this is the season when
the sun is beginning to shine in at the southern opening of the
earth. The long cold night is on in the Spitzbergen country."

"What shall we do?" I inquired.

"There is only one thing we can do," my father replied, "and that
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