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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 57 of 73 (78%)
is to go south." Accordingly, he turned the craft about, gave it
full reef, and started by the compass north but, in fact,
directly south. The wind was strong, and we seemed to have struck
a current that was running with remarkable swiftness in the same

In just forty days we arrived at Delfi, a city we had visited in
company with our guides Jules Galdea and his wife, near the mouth
of the Gihon river. Here we stopped for two days, and were most
hospitably entertained by the same people who had welcomed us on
our former visit. We laid in some additional provisions and again
set sail, following the needle due north.

On our outward trip we came through a narrow channel which
appeared to be a separating body of water between two
considerable bodies of land. There was a beautiful beach to our
right, and we decided to reconnoiter. Casting anchor, we waded
ashore to rest up for a day before continuing the outward
hazardous undertaking. We built a fire and threw on some sticks
of dry driftwood. While my father was walking along the shore, I
prepared a tempting repast from supplies we had provided.

There was a mild, luminous light which my father said resulted
from the sun shining in from the south aperture of the earth.
That night we slept soundly, and awakened the next morning as
refreshed as if we had been in our own beds at Stockholm.

After breakfast we started out on an inland tour of discovery,
but had not gone far when we sighted some birds which we
recognized at once as belonging to the penguin family.
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