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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 67 of 73 (91%)
sedulously for twenty-seven years, then how I came to America,
and finally to Los Angeles, California. But all this can be of
little interest to the reader. Indeed, it seems to me the climax
of my wonderful travels and strange adventures was reached when
the Scotch sailing-vessel took me from an iceberg on the
Antarctic Ocean.



IN concluding this history of my adventures, I wish to state that
I firmly believe science is yet in its infancy concerning the
cosmology of the earth. There is so much that is unaccounted for
by the world's accepted knowledge of to-day, and will ever remain
so until the land of "The Smoky God" is known and recognized by
our geographers.

It is the land from whence came the great logs of cedar that have
been found by explorers in open waters far over the northern edge
of the earth's crust, and also the bodies of mammoths whose bones
are found in vast beds on the Siberian coast.

Northern explorers have done much. Sir John Franklin, De Haven
Grinnell, Sir John Murray, Kane, Melville, Hall, Nansen,
Schwatka, Greely, Peary, Ross, Gerlache, Bernacchi, Andree,
Amsden, Amundson and others have all been striving to storm the
frozen citadel of mystery.
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