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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 68 of 73 (93%)

I firmly believe that Andree and his two brave companions,
Strindberg and Fraenckell, who sailed away in the balloon "Oreon"
from the northwest coast of Spitzbergen on that Sunday afternoon
of July 11, 1897, are now in the "within" world, and doubtless
are being entertained, as my father and myself were entertained
by the kind-hearted giant race inhabiting the inner Atlantic

Having, in my humble way, devoted years to these problems, I am
well acquainted with the accepted definitions of gravity, as well
as the cause of the magnetic needle's attraction, and I am
prepared to say that it is my firm belief that the magnetic
needle is influenced solely by electric currents which completely
envelop the earth like a garment, and that these electric
currents in an endless circuit pass out of the southern end of
the earth's cylindrical opening, diffusing and spreading
themselves over all the "outside" surface, and rushing madly on
in their course toward the North Pole. And while these currents
seemingly dash off into space at the earth's curve or edge, yet
they drop again to the "inside" surface and continue their way
southward along the inside of the earth's crust, toward the
opening of the so-called South Pole.[24]

[24 "Mr. Lemstrom concluded that an electric discharge
which could only be seen by means of the spectroscope was
taking place on the surface of the ground all around him, and
that from a distance it would appear as a faint display of
Aurora, the phenomena of pale and flaming light which is some
times seen on the top of the Spitzbergen Mountains." -- The
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