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Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon by Jules Verne
page 23 of 400 (05%)
"The very thing," said Torres briskly, catching hold of the case and
failing to repress a huge sigh of relief.

"Whom ought I to thank, gentlemen," said he, "for the service you
have rendered me?"

"My friend, Manoel, assistant surgeon, Brazilian army," replied the
young man.

"If it was I who shot the monkey, Benito," said Manoel, "it was you
that pointed him out to me."

"In that case, sirs," replied Torres, "I am under an obligation to
you both, as well to you, Mr. Manoel, as to you, Mr. ----"

"Benito Garral," replied Manoel.

The captain of the woods required great command over himself to avoid
giving a jump when he heard this name, and more especially when the
young man obligingly continued:

"My father, Joam Garral, has his farm about three miles from here. If
you would like, Mr. ----"

"Torres," replied the adventurer.

"If you would like to accompany us there, Mr. Torres, you will be
hospitably received."

"I do not know that I can," said Torres, who, surprised by this
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