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Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon by Jules Verne
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unexpected meeting, hesitated to make a start. "I fear in truth that
I am not able to accept your offer. The occurrence I have just
related to you has caused me to lose time. It is necessary for me to
return at once to the Amazon--as I purpose descending thence to

"Very well, Mr. Torres," replied Benito, "it is not unlikely that we
shall see you again in our travels, for before a month has passed my
father and all his family will have taken the same road as you."

"Ah!" said Torres sharply, "your father is thinking of recrossing the
Brazilian frontier?"

"Yes, for a voyage of some months," replied Benito. "At least we hope
to make him decide so. Don't we, Manoel?"

Manoel nodded affirmatively.

"Well, gentlemen," replied Torres, "it is very probable that we shall
meet again on the road. But I cannot, much to my regret, accept your
offer now. I thank you, nevertheless, and I consider myself as twice
your debtor."

And having said so, Torres saluted the young men, who in turn saluted
him, and set out on their way to the farm.

As for Torres he looked after them as they got further and further
away, and when he had lost sight of them--

"Ah! he is about to recross the frontier!" said he, with a deep
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