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The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land by Pseudonym Ralph Connor
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on your American friends. Don't you know that a vocabulary rich in slang
is poverty stricken in forceful and well chosen English? The wealth of
the one is the poverty of the other."

"Where is he going?" enquired the boy.

"Out by way of Edmonton, Calgary, Moose Jaw, Minneapolis, so on to
Pittsburgh. Partner with him, young lawyer, expert in mines, unmarried.
He is coming back in a couple of months or so for a big hunt. Wants us
to join him. Really extraordinary, when you come to think of it, how
much information he was able to convey in such a short space of time.
Marvellous gift of expression!"

"What did you say, dad?"

"Say? Oh, as to his invitation! Why, I believe I accepted, my boy. It
seemed as if I could do nothing else. It's a way he has."

"Is--is the daughter to be along?"

"Let me see. What did he say? Really, I don't know. But I should judge
that it would be entirely as she wished. She is--"

"Boss of the show, eh?"

"Exactly. Most vivid phrase, eh?"

"Very. And no doubt aptly descriptive of the fact."

In half an hour the breakfast was finished, and the elder man got his
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