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The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land by Pseudonym Ralph Connor
page 9 of 445 (02%)
type, college bred, 'boss of the show' (quotation). These are a few of
the facts volunteered within the limited space of his visit."

"What's he like, dad?"

"Like? Like an American."

"Now, dad, don't allow your old British prejudices to run away with your

"On the contrary, I am perfectly charmed. He is one of those Americans
who capture you at once, educated, frank, open, with that peculiar charm
that Britishers will not be able to develop for many generations. An
American, but not of the unspeakable type. Not at all. You will like

"I am sure I shall," replied the youth. "I liked his voice and his face.
I like the Americans. I met such nice chaps at college. So clever, and
with such a vocabulary."

"Vocabulary? Well, I'm not too sure as to the vocabulary part of it."

"Yes, such bright, pat, expressive slang, so fresh and in such variety.
So different from your heavy British slang, in which everything
approaching the superlative must be one of three things, 'ripping,' with
very distinct articulation on the double p, or 'top hole,' or 'awfully
jolly.' More recently, I believe, a fourth variation is allowed in

"Ah, my boy, you have unconsciously uttered a most searching criticism
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