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Tea Leaves by Francis Leggett
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By Francis Leggett & Co.


The casual reader in many a nook and corner of this extended land
will perhaps ask--"Who are the publishers of this book, and what
is their purpose?" We anticipate any such enquiry, and reply
that Francis H. Leggett & Co. are Importing and Manufacturing
Grocers; that our object in publishing this and other books is to
bring ourselves and our goods into closer relations with
consumers at a distance from New York; and incidentally, to
provide readers with interesting information respecting the food
which they eat and drink.

In our search for material to aid in the preparation of this
book, we were greatly indebted to Mr. F. N. Barrett, editor of
THE AMERICAN GROCER, who generously gave us access to what is
probably the most complete and valuable collection of books upon
Foods to be found on this continent.

We wish to also to acknowledge the kind response of Messrs. Gow,
Wilson and Stanton, of London, to our requests for statistics of
the World's Tea Trade, and particularly for information
respecting the Teas of Ceylon and India. If our limitations of
space had permitted, we should have materially increased the
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