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Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 07 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
page 45 of 105 (42%)
night. It was at night that the fatal gates of the fortress were closed
upon the Prince. At night the Council assembled and tried him, or rather
condemned him without trial. When the clock struck six in the morning
the orders were given to fire, and the Prince ceased to exist.

Here a reflection occurs to me. Supposing one were inclined to admit
that the Council held on the 10th of March had some connection with the
Due d'Enghien's arrest, yet as no Council was held from the time of the
Duke's arrival at the barrier to the moment of his execution, it could
only be Bonaparte himself who issued the orders which were too punctually
obeyed. When the dreadful intelligence of the Duc d'Enghien's death was
spread in Paris it excited a feeling of consternation which recalled the
recollection of the Reign of Terror. Could Bonaparte have seen the gloom
which pervaded Paris, and compared it with the joy which prevailed on the
day when he returned victorious from the field of Marengo, he would have
felt that he had tarnished his glory by a stain which could never be

About half-past twelve on the 22d of March I was informed that some one
wished to speak with me. It was Harrel.

--[Harrel, who had been unemployed till the plot of Arena and
Ceracchi on the 18th Vendemiairean IX (10th October 1800) which he
had feigned to join, and had then revealed to the police (see ante),
had been made Governor of Vincennes.]--

I will relate word for word what he communicated to me. Harrel probably
thought that he was bound in gratitude to acquaint me with these details;
but he owed me no gratitude, for it was much against my will that he had
encouraged the conspiracy of Ceracchi, and received the reward of his
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