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Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 07 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
page 46 of 105 (43%)
treachery in that crime. The following is Harrel's statement:--

"On the evening of the day before yesterday, when the Prince arrived,
I was asked whether I had a room to lodge a prisoner in; I replied, No--
that there were only my apartments and the Council-chamber. I was told
to prepare instantly a room in which a prisoner could sleep who was to
arrive that evening. I was also desired to dig a pit in the courtyard.

--[This fact must be noted. Harrel is told to dig a trench before
the sentence. Thus it was known that they had come to kill the Duc
d'Enghien. How can this be answered? Can it possibly be supposed
that anyone, whoever it was, would have dared to give each an order
in anticipation if the order had not been the carrying out of a
formal command of Bonaparte? That is incredible.--Bourrienne.]--

"I replied that that could not be easily done, as the courtyard was paved.
The moat was then fixed upon, and there the pit was dug. The Prince
arrived at seven o'clock in the evening; he was perishing with cold and
hunger. He did not appear dispirited. He said he wanted something to
eat, and to go to bed afterwards. His apartment not being yet
sufficiently aired, I took him into my own, and sent into the village for
some refreshment. The Prince sat down to table, and invited me to eat
with him. He then asked me a number of questions respecting Vincennes--
what was going on there, and other particulars. He told me that he had
been brought up in the neighbourhood of the castle, and spoke to me with
great freedom and kindness. 'What do they want with me?' he said. What
do they mean to do with me?' But these questions betrayed no uneasiness
or anxiety. My wife, who was ill, was lying in the same room in an
alcove, closed by a railing. She heard, without being perceived, all our
conversation, and she was exceedingly agitated, for she recognised the
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