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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 27: March 1663-64 by Samuel Pepys
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that were there. So I went back again doing nothing but discoursing with
Mr. Moore, who I find by discourse to be grown rich, and indeed not to use
me at all with the respect he used to do, but as his equal. He made me
known to their Chaplin, who is a worthy, able man. Thence home, and by and
by to the Coffee-house, and thence to the 'Change, and so home to dinner,
and after a little chat with my wife to the office, where all the
afternoon till very late at the office busy, and so home to supper and to
bed, hoping in God that my diligence, as it is really very useful for the
King, so it will end in profit to myself. In the meantime I have good
content in mind to see myself improve every day in knowledge and being

12th. Lay long pleasantly entertaining myself with my wife, and then up
and to the office, where busy till noon, vexed to see how Sir J. Minnes
deserves rather to be pitied for his dotage and folly than employed at a
great salary to ruin the King's business. At noon to the 'Change, and
thence home to dinner, and then down to Deptford, where busy a while, and
then walking home it fell hard a raining. So at Halfway house put in, and
there meeting Mr. Stacy with some company of pretty women, I took him
aside to a room by ourselves, and there talked with him about the several
sorts of tarrs, and so by and by parted, and I walked home and there late
at the office, and so home to supper and to bed.

13th (Lord's day). Lay long in bed talking with my wife, and then up in
great doubt whether I should not go see Mr. Coventry or no, who hath not
been well these two or three days, but it being foul weather I staid
within, and so to my office, and there all the morning reading some Common
Law, to which I will allot a little time now and then, for I much want it.
At noon home to dinner, and then after some discourse with my wife, to the
office again, and by and by Sir W. Pen came to me after sermon and walked
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