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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 27: March 1663-64 by Samuel Pepys
page 9 of 33 (27%)
of a consumption. To the office awhile, and so home to supper and to bed.

9th. Up pretty betimes to my office, where all day long, but a little at
home at dinner, at my office finishing all things about Mr. Wood's
contract for masts, wherein I am sure I shall save the King L400 before I
have done. At night home to supper and to bed.

10th. Up and to the office, where all the morning doing business, and at
noon to the 'Change and there very busy, and so home to dinner with my
wife, to a good hog's harslet,

[Harslet or haslet, the entrails of an animal, especially of a hog,
as the heart, liver, &c.]

a piece of meat I love, but have not eat of I think these seven years, and
after dinner abroad by coach set her at Mrs. Hunt's and I to White Hall,
and at the Privy Seale I enquired, and found the Bill come for the
Corporation of the Royall Fishery; whereof the Duke of Yorke is made
present Governor, and several other very great persons, to the number of
thirty-two, made his assistants for their lives: whereof, by my Lord
Sandwich's favour, I am one; and take it not only as a matter of honour,
but that, that may come to be of profit to me, and so with great content
went and called my wife, and so home and to the office, where busy late,
and so home to supper and to bed.

11th. Up and by coach to my Lord Sandwich's, who not being up I staid
talking with Mr. Moore till my Lord was ready and come down, and went
directly out without calling for me or seeing any body. I know not
whether he knew I was there, but I am apt to think not, because if he
would have given me that slighting yet he would not have done it to others
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