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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
page 29 of 49 (59%)
[This question of the division of the fleet in May, 1666, was one
over which endless controversy as to responsibility was raised.
When Prince Rupert, with twenty ships, was detached to prevent the
junction of the French squadron with the Dutch, the Duke of
Albemarle was left with fifty-four ships against eighty belonging to
the Dutch. Albemarle's tactics are praised by Captain Mahan.]

which gives me occasion to see that they are busy after that business, and
I am glad of it. So I alone to church, and then home, and there Mr. Deane
comes and dines with me by invitation, and both at and after dinner he and
I spent all the day till it was dark in discourse of business of the Navy
and the ground of the many miscarriages, wherein he do inform me in many
more than I knew, and I had desired him to put them in writing, and many
indeed they are and good ones; and also we discoursed of the business of
shipping, and he hath promised me a draught of the ship he is now
building, wherein I am mightily pleased. This afternoon comes to me
Captain O'Bryan, about a ship that the King hath given him; and he and I
to talk of the Parliament; and he tells me that the business of the Duke
of York's slackening sail in the first fight, at the beginning of the war,
is brought into question, and Sir W. Pen and Captain Cox are to appear
to-morrow about it; and it is thought will at last be laid upon Mr.
Bruncker's giving orders from the Duke of York (which the Duke of York do
not own) to Captain Cox to do it; but it seems they do resent this very
highly, and are mad in going through all business, where they can lay any
fault. I am glad to hear, that in the world I am as kindly spoke of as
any body; for, for aught I see, there is bloody work like to be, Sir W.
Coventry having been forced to produce a letter in Parliament wherein the
Duke of Albemarle did from Sheernesse write in what good posture all
things were at Chatham, and that the chain was so well placed that he
feared no attempt of the enemy: so that, among other things, I see every
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