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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
page 30 of 49 (61%)
body is upon his own defence, and spares not to blame another to defend
himself, and the same course I shall take. But God knows where it will
end! He gone, and Deane, I to my chamber for a while, and then comes
Pelling the apothecary to see us, and sat and supped with me (my wife
being gone to bed sick of the cholique), and then I to bed, after supper.
Pelting tells me that my Lady Duchesse Albemarle was at Mrs. Turner's this
afternoon, she being ill, and did there publickly talk of business, and of
our Office; and that she believed that I was safe, and had done well; and
so, I thank God! I hear every body speaks of me; and indeed, I think,
without vanity, I may expect to be profited rather than injured by this
inquiry, which the Parliament makes into business.

21st. Up, and betimes got a coach at the Exchange, and thence to St.
James's, where I had forgot that the Duke of York and family were gone to
White Hall, and thence to Westminster Hall and there walked a little,
finding the Parliament likely to be busy all this morning about the
business of Mr. Bruncker for advising Cox and Harman to shorten sail when
they were in pursuit of the Dutch after the first great victory. I went
away to Mr. Creed's chamber, there to meet Sir H. Cholmly, about business
of Mr. Yeabsly, where I was delivered of a great fear that they would
question some of the orders for payment of money which I had got them
signed at the time of the plague, when I was here alone, but all did pass.
Thence to Westminster again, and up to the lobby, where many commanders of
the fleete were, and Captain Cox, and Mr. Pierce, the Surgeon; the last of
whom hath been in the House, and declared that he heard Bruncker advise;
and give arguments to, Cox, for the safety of the Duke of York's person,
to shorten sail, that they might not be in the middle of the enemy in the
morning alone; and Cox denying to observe his advice, having received the
Duke of York's commands over night to keep within cannon-shot (as they
then were) of the enemy, Bruncker did go to Harman, and used the same
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