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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
page 31 of 49 (63%)
arguments, and told him that he was sure it would be well pleasing to the
King that care should be taken of not endangering the Duke of York; and,
after much persuasion, Harman was heard to say, "Why, if it must be, then
lower the topsail." And so did shorten sail, to the loss, as the
Parliament will have it, of the greatest victory that ever was, and which
would have saved all the expence of blood, and money, and honour, that
followed; and this they do resent, so as to put it to the question,
whether Bruncker should not be carried to the Tower: who do confess that,
out of kindness to the Duke of York's safety, he did advise that they
should do so, but did not use the Duke of York's name therein; and so it
was only his error in advising it, but the greatest theirs in taking it,
contrary to order. At last, it ended that it should be suspended till
Harman comes home; and then the Parliament-men do all tell me that it will
fall heavy, and, they think, be fatal to Bruncker or him. Sir W. Pen
tells me he was gone to bed, having been all day labouring, and then not
able to stand, of the goute, and did give order for the keeping the sails
standing, as they then were, all night. But, which I wonder at, he tells
me that he did not know the next day that they had shortened sail, nor
ever did enquire into it till about ten days ago, that this begun to be
mentioned; and, indeed, it is charged privately as a fault on the Duke of
York, that he did not presently examine the reason of the breach of his
orders, and punish it. But Cox tells me that he did finally refuse it; and
what prevailed with Harman he knows not, and do think that we might have
done considerable service on the enemy the next day, if this had not been
done. Thus this business ended to-day, having kept them till almost two
o'clock; and then I by coach with Sir W. Pen as far as St. Clement's,
talking of this matter, and there set down; and I walked to Sir G.
Carteret's, and there dined with him and several Parliament-men, who, I
perceive, do all look upon it as a thing certain that the Parliament will
enquire into every thing, and will be very severe where they can find any
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